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Quality Engineering Education System

       1. SAY WHAT YOU DO                                                             
       2. DO WHAT YOU SAY                                                               
       3. PROVE IT                                                                               
       4. IMPROVE IT
A Quality System may be defined as one which involves effective management and optimization of the available resources in order to produce unbiased and impartial benefits to all its stakeholders, while meticulously addressing issues that will probably affect the system as a result of  malfunctioning of any component of the system, all working together to achieve a common goal, yet still having time to achieve a  reasonable Work - Life balance.

Hierarchy, Transparency, Consistency, Flexibility (within reasonable limits), Reliability, Responsibility, Accountability, Monitoring, Feedback, Follow up action, Appraisal and Assessment are some of the key parameters of a Quality System. However, we need to discuss these and also a few more parameters later in our future sessions.

Let us examine the two main processes involved in a Quality Engineering Education System:

1. Teaching Process
2. Learning Process

These two processes can be combined to form an integrated process known as "Teaching - Learning Process", while another process known as "Administrative Process" emerges.

In the next few sessions, we will discuss the "Quality Engineering Education System" in detail.

"Train and not just Teach alone, Analyze and not just Learn alone".

Look forward to the following interesting discussions in the next few days:
1. The Five Step Process of Effective Training  (5 M's Technique)
2. The Five Step Process of Effective Learning
3. The Main Stakeholders of a Quality Engineering Education System
4. Rote Learning Vs Problem Based Learning
5. Teacher - more than a Facilitator...What else?

So keep following this post regularly and post your comments please.

Wish you all the best!


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