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     The Servant Mind of a Good Leader
 "But He gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble."
                                       James 4 : 6

"...All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble"

                                      I Peter 5 : 5

Today, God spoke to me with these verses while I was in my personal prayer, spending some time alone with Him. And when I sang praises to God and worshiped Him, He gave me a new song in Tamil and I started singing and rejoicing in the Lord.

God spoke to me specifically with these verses because I was proud of many things and in many areas. He used these verses to break the "Self" within me. According to the world it is known as "EGO". Well, the worldly people even use this as an acronym for "Edging God Out". If you give first place to "Self", then you are not in the center of God's will. There is a difference between "Maturity" and "Pride". Maturity is a continuous process of growth, self realization, self esteem and such good qualities that contribute to one's own self development, which God encourages, whereas Pride is over confidence, looking down on others, self perfectionism and so many other parameters which God opposes. Let us submit ourselves first to God and cast all our care upon Him.

As David says in one of his Psalms, "My times are in your hands..." Psalm 31 : 15, let us commit our future into God's loving and caring hands.

"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time"
                                                                                                         I Peter 5 : 6



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