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Showing posts from August, 2012
5 Pairs of Prepositional Idioms A prepositional phrase is called that, and not a noun-and-preposition phrase or the like, for a good reason: The preposition determines the meaning. Here are five examples of pairs of prepositional phrases that are distinct in meaning because of the preposition used. 1. At Ease/with Ease In addition to being a military command to prompt a parade formation to adopt a degree of relaxation, “at ease” refers to a state of relaxation: “He stood at ease while waiting his turn.” “With ease” also modifies an action, but it is used to refer to a sense of effortlessness in such statements as “She completed the gymnastics routine with ease.” 2. At the End/in the End “At the end” is not used on its own as an idiom, but it appears in such expressions as “at the end of the day” (to mean “ultimately” or “as it turned out”) and “at the end of (one’s) rope” — or “tether” — to mean “pushed to (one’s) limits.” “In the end,” by itself, has the sa...
Quality Transformational Education System - The F-P-P Model In this section, let us examine some of the competencies of a Facilitator. Competence has three elements - Knowledge, Skills and Attitude (K S A). The attitude of a Facilitator plays an important role in developing the knowledge and skills. By attitude we mean mind set or frame of mind or making up of the mind. The Facilitator must have the following qualities that will be used to describe his or her attitude:   1. Empathy - ability to identify oneself in the situation of others irrespective of the situation or person involved. 2. Receptive - ability to receive or accept the ideas of others. 3. Patience - ability to listen to others more, slow to speak and slow to anger. 4. Commitment - ability to dedicate oneself fully to the work assigned without giving excuses  or blaming others when something goes wrong. In other words, he or she must take ownership. 5. Flexibility - ability to be more accommo...
  EXPERT SYSTEMS AND SOLUTIONS  Project Center for Research in Power Electronics and Power  Systems IEEE 2010 , IEEE 2011 BASED PROJECTS FOR  FINAL YEAR STUDENTS OF B.E Email: ,   Cell: 9952749533, 8608603634         OMR, CHENNAI   IEEE based Projects For   Final year students of B.E in EEE, ECE, EIE,CSE M.E (Power Systems) M.E (Applied Electronics) M.E (Power Electronics ) Ph.D Electrical and Electronics. EEE (Electrical and Electronics Engg) Project Cost  Rs15,000 ECE (Electronics and Communication Engg) Project Cost  Rs15,000 E&I (Electronics and Instrumentation Engg) Project Cost  Rs15,000 Bio medical Engineering Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 ME (Power Systems) Project Cost Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 ME (Applied Electronics) Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000 ME (Power Electronics And D...
QUALITY TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP  What competencies must a good leader possess? Well, before we answer this question, let us discuss what the word "Competencies" mean. The word competence means "A cluster of related abilities , commitments , knowledge , and skills that enable a person (or an organization ) to act effectively in a job or situation. Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. Because each level of responsibility has its own requirements , competence can occur in any period of a person's life or at any stage of his or her career ." Read more: Visit the above link to improve your vocabulary in Business English. Learn new words and make sentences that apply to real life situations (Use the STAR technique - Situation Task Action Response) Competence has three major components, ...