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 What competencies must a good leader possess? Well, before we answer this question, let us discuss what the word "Competencies" mean. The word competence means "A cluster of related abilities, commitments, knowledge, and skills that enable a person (or an organization) to act effectively in a job or situation. Competence indicates sufficiency of knowledge and skills that enable someone to act in a wide variety of situations. Because each level of responsibility has its own requirements, competence can occur in any period of a person's life or at any stage of his or her career."

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Competence has three major components, "Knowledge", "Skills" and "Attitude", of which "Attitude" is the most important one. In Quality Transformational Leadership, the Leader must possess competencies to manage his or her team. Knowledge alone is not sufficient, while skills are also equally important. However, it is the attitude that plays a major role in determining how the leader uses his or her knowledge and skills to the optimum level to achieve success!

Today, as we, as Indians, celebrate our 66th Independence Day, let us look back to see how many great Leaders India has produced in the struggle for freedom. Let us pay homage to them by our commitment to the Quality Transformational Leadership as we move on . Jai Hind!

At this point, let us learn the principle of the Facilitator - Peer - Participant (FPP) Model of Quality Transformational Education.  We already know that a well known Sanskrit Slogan decrees " A student learns one fourth from his teacher, one fourth from own intelligence, one fourth from his class mates or peers and the remaining one fourth only with time". In the so called FPP model, the teacher is hereafter called as the Facilitator and the student is the Participant, while the student group is called "Peer". It is a well known fact that a student performs better in a group than as an individual. It is in the peer group where the student has the opportunity to develop competence.

                           Teacher - Facilitator
                           Student - Participant
                           Student Groups - Peers

Let us examine the concept of the FPP model in more detail in the next post. Wish you all a Happy Independence Day! Cheers to all Facilitators, Participants and Peers!!!


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