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 Project Center for Research in Power Electronics and Power 
 Cell: 9952749533, 8608603634
 IEEE based Projects For
 Final year students of B.E in
M.E (Power Systems)
M.E (Applied Electronics)
M.E (Power Electronics)
Ph.D Electrical and Electronics.
EEE (Electrical and Electronics Engg) Project Cost  Rs15,000
ECE (Electronics and Communication Engg) Project Cost  Rs15,000
E&I (Electronics and Instrumentation Engg) Project Cost  Rs15,000
Bio medical Engineering Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME (Power Systems) Project Cost Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME (Applied Electronics) Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME (Power Electronics And Drive) Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME ( Mechatronics ) Project Cost  Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000
Ph.D   - Electrical Engineering 
           - Power Systems
           - Power Electronics 
           - Project Cost  Rs 1,50,000 to Rs 2,20,000
Ph.D   - Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
           - Project Cost  Rs 1,50,000 to Rs 2,20,000
            Second Quality China Kits (Only for B.E / B.Tech Students) -Low cost project (Price Range Rs 6,000 to 10,000) - Kits with working warranty. These kits are normally sold as pay to buy products. 
    Embedded system ,VLSI design, ANN, Fuzzy Logic, Power system, Power Electronics, Machines ,Control system ,Bio medical, Communication Engineering, GPS, GSM, Wireless Communication.
 We provide you         - Coding        - IEEE reference papers      - Presentations  - Study materials for your project - Project Hardware  - Training classes    - National and International Journal Publication

Bio medical Engineering Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME (Power Systems) Project Cost Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME (Applied Electronics) Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME (Power Electronics And Drive) Project Cost  Rs 15,000 to Rs 20,000
ME ( Mechatronics ) Project Cost  Rs. 15,000 to Rs. 20,000
Ph.D   - Electrical Engineering 
           - Power Systems
           - Power Electronics 
           - Project Cost  Rs 1,50,000 to Rs 2,20,000
Ph.D   - Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering
           - Project Cost  Rs 1,50,000 to Rs 2,20,000
            Second Quality China Kits (Only for B.E / B.Tech Students) -Low cost project (Price Range Rs 6,000 to 10,000) - Kits with working warranty. These kits are normally sold as pay to buy products. 

     We provide guidance and codes for the for the following power systems areas.
  1. Deregulated Systems,
  2. Wind power Generation and Grid connection
  3. Unit commitment
  4. Economic Dispatch using AI methods
  5. Voltage stability
  6. FLC Control
  7. Transformer Fault Identifications
  8. SCADA - Power system Automation
  9. ATC improvement using facts devices 
  10. Electronics, Machines ,Control system ,Bio medical, Communication Engineering, GPS, GSM, Wireless Communication.
     We provide you         - Coding        - IEEE reference papers      - Presentations  - Study materials for your project - Project Hardware  - Training classes    - National and International Journal Publication
         We provide guidance and codes for the for the following power systems areas.
  11. Deregulated Systems,
  12. Wind power Generation and Grid connection
  13. Unit commitment
  14. Economic Dispatch using AI methods
  15. Voltage stability
  16. FLC Control
  17. Transformer Fault Identifications
  18. SCADA - Power system Automation
  19. ATC improvement using facts devices 
     We provide guidance and codes for the for the following power Electronics areas.
   1. Three phase inverter and converters
     We provide guidance and codes for the for the following power Electronics areas.
   1. Three phase inverter and converters
   2. Buck Boost Converter
   3. Matrix Converter
   4. Inverter and converter topologies
   5. Fuzzy based control of Electric Drives.
   6. Optimal design of Electrical Machines
   7. BLDC and SR motor Drives
Power system Sample Titles
1.       Short circuit analysis in C++
2.       Micro controller based automatic Tap changer
3.       Generation optimization   using genetic algorithm
4.       Transformer design in MATLAB
5.       Power system software – design & computations
6.       Microprocessor based automatic power factor monitor cum controller
7.       Solution of Power system Analysis using neural networks
8.       Unit Commitment in interconnected power system
9.       DSP based Study of Power System Transients
Power Electronics Sample Titles
1. Thyristor controlled reactor  compensator for  
       fast  changing loads
2. Thyristor Automatic Voltage - Fuzzy Logic
3. MOSFET based UPS design
4. Design of IGBT based inverter
5. Thyristrorised power controller
6. Optimal voltage and frequency Selection
       for A.C  drives in C
7. Micro controller based online UPS
8. Wind energy generator
9. Microprocessor based DC motor


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